Coastal Window

WindowUse shells, star fish, urchins, sand dollars, stones, glass, driftwood, coral, sand and other goodies to create your masterpiece.  Bring your own finds or use our materials.  Everything you need to make a complete wood framed 8” x 10” piece is included.   Create your own design or use one of the provided templates.

Epoxy resin will be mixed and poured.  Pieces will be left at location overnight to cure.  If unable to leave pieces overnight, a spray adhesive will be used so you can get your window home safely.  You will be given a finishing kit with instructions on how to mix and pour resin to complete at your leisure.

2 Hour Workshop

Public Workshops

Thursday, August 15, 2024 – Sea Glass Window at Serendipity, Hudson, MA

Private Workshops

Cost:  $52 per person.  Minimum 6 guests – maximum 56. If you have more than 6 guests, host piece is complimentary.  (Does not include fundraisers)